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Social and Community Support

Social and Community participation

What are Social and Community Participation services?

Under the NDIS, Social and Community services are about supporting people with a disability to take part in the community. These support items enable a participant to engage in community, social and recreational activities.

What are your hobbies and interests? Just tell Headway ABI what you would like to see and do, and where you would like to go, and we will get to work for you.

Under the NDIS, social and community services are there to help people with a disability to re-engage and take part in their community. Headway ABI can connect you to a range of community, social and recreational activities, such as:

Use it or lose so they say

What do you need or want?

For you this may be based on your personal goals to regain a skill level to be more independent. Looking at modified equipment and utensils for a specific task e.g. modified cutlery or drink containers.Referral to a specialist for modified approaches to certain tasks to adjust to any limitations.

Daily skill development including personal care, cooking, household tasks, budgeting, accessing public transport etc. Our approach is personal, skill development is the goal under NDIS and inbuilt into your plan, so let’s talk.

Our participants love getting out and about, most Tuesdays we visit various locations around the Coast. Currently, due to COVID restrictions, most of our outings are in our beautiful parklands, enjoying the fresh air, beautiful scenery, wildlife and each other’s company

You tell us where you would like to go. What are your hobbies and interests?

This is vital to your participation within the community; having choice and control and building capacity while staying connected.

Under the NDIS, you may be able to use your Social and Community Participation funding to pay for a support worker to transport you to your proposed activity (activity-based transport).

Activity based transport can be claimed at the agreed hourly rate for both transport time and time spent accompanying you during the community participated activity.

Our activity-based transport support aims to enable the participants to access disability supports outside their home, and to pay for transport that helps them to achieve the goals in their plan.

Headway ABI is able to offer a range of domestic assistance. This may be short or long term or even one-off.

It is important that your home remain a safe and comfortable environment for you to live in.